Whitchurch Fencing Club
O'Sullivan Cup - Rules, Regulations, Conditions, and Exclusions
Poule unique. Each match is typically for three single hits. Competitors are put into groups of around 4. After fencing each other in their own "team", the group then fence each other "team" in turn.
(The Organisers reserve the right to alter the format, or to introduce a second round, as required, in the light of the number of entrants and/or the progress through the bouts during the competition.)
Don’t count, and are ignored; play then resumes from the same position – ie no return to the en garde line. A double hit at 60 seconds is counted as a "double defeat", ie both fencers score 0.
No specific time limit per single hit is set, as most epee bouts are over quickly.
Discretionary one minute time limit - However, if a bout becomes prolonged, the referee may at their discretion announce, and apply, a one minute time limit per single hit. Note that other than that there is no time warning (eg no warning at 50 seconds). Bouts which reach the time limit are taken as a "double defeat", ie both fencers score 0.
Where there is no dedicated Referee, competitors are asked to select a President and a Timekeeper from those not fencing in that bout within their group. Fencers should check their scores on the completed score sheet, before it is handed in at the end of the round.
Competitors are reminded that crossing the end of piste line with both feet means a hit for their opponent.
Competitors are asked to test their weapons with the gauges provided, before first using them. There is no need for a retest, unless the weapon is subsequently re-assembled or re-built during the competition.
The organisers reserve the right to re-allocate the prizes, in the absence of sufficient competitors, as appropriate. Where the Trophy Cup is awarded, it remains the property of Whitchurch Fencing Club at all times, and is to be returned to the Club within twelve months, or before the date of the next O’Sullivan Cup, or sooner if required, as determined by the Club.
- Competitors are personally responsible for making sure their clothing and equipment is safe, and conforms to the relevant FIE & WF / BFA rules and is in good condition..
- It is a condition of entry that competitors, and others attending, accept that the organisers, including referees and other officials, cannot be held responsible for any accident, loss or damage sustained at the competition to persons or property, howsoever caused.
- Competitors are personally responsible for making sure their clothing and equipment is safe, and conforms to the relevant FIE & WF / BFA rules and is in good condition..
Competitors are responsible for ensuring that they have the appropriate level of membership of Welsh Fencing / British Fencing, or an equivalent body. Absence of current membership may result in exclusion from the competition.
Entry to the competition is at the discretion of the organisers. Inappropriate, anti-social, or unsafe activity may result in exclusion from the event. Note that in the event of over-subscription, the organisers reserve the right to restrict numbers, as necessary.
During the competition photographs may be taken by the Competition Organisers, or their representatives. As far as possible, flash equipment will not be used. These are for the purpose of promoting Fencing, the Club, and any competitions which it organises, and may be displayed on the club website, or appropriate publications, such as, but not limited to, the WF website and/or The Sword magazine. Any Entrants, or people accompanying them, who do not wish to have their image displayed in this way are asked to contact the Competition Organisers, preferably beforehand.
Any questions regarding the running of the competition, should be referred to the Competition Organisers, whose decision is final.
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